Land off Howells Road, Stratton, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 9BY


Offers Invited




Stratton, Bude



Land ID:



The proposed residential development scheme comprises of 30 dwellings, together with associated infrastructure works. Of these dwellings, 70% (21) will be open market and 30% (9) will be affordable. Of the affordable dwellings, 70% (7) will be affordable rented and 30% ( 2) will be intermediate. The scheme will be accessed from Howells Road to the west of the site. This will require the creation of a new junction and access to the site.

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Further Details.

Situated within an attractive village location, the site can be found on the southern fringe of Stratton, approximately 321-metres (351- yards) to the south of Stratton town centre. It abuts Grimscott Stream and housing estates off Treworden Close and Old Drovers Way to the north; agricultural land to the east and south; and Howells Road to the west. It slopes from south-east/south to north-west/north. The site, in total, extends to approximately 3.71-acres (1.5-hectares).

The site offers easy access to the beautiful local beaches. In addition, the Atlantic highway provides great connectivity to local towns such as Bude, famed for its popular sandy beaches, stunning coastal walks, public houses, restaurants and the towns 18 hole links golf course. The sites location must be visited to be fully appreciated.

The Section 106 Agreement contributions, in total, are approximately £105,974, excluding indexation (UK General Index of Retail Prices (All Items). Please note that the Section 106 Agreement was duly signed 5th July 2022.


Site Address:

Howells Road, Stratton, Near Bude, Cornwall, EX23 9BY



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